New to Yoga

We’re so happy you’re here. We provide classes, guidance, and an inclusive environment where anyone can begin their healthy journey. Yoga is a system that works on every level to achieve optimal health and integration of the body, mind and spirit. The word “yoga” itself means connection, or union. Whether you came here to find pain relief, learn to relax, or feel a stronger sense of community, know that you are here for all the right reasons, and your timing is perfect. Welcome to the community!

Your First Visit To Asheville Community Yoga

To help your first yoga experience flow as smoothly as possible, check out this helpful video by John Woodruff.

Quick Introduction

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Asheville Community Yoga

Welcome! We promote a friendly community of yoga teachers and practitioners.

We’re located in Woodfin, only a few minutes from downtown Asheville.

We’re a non-profit organization 501(c)3 and classes are donation-based. Our recommended donation is $10-$20, with no minimum donation requirement.

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Quick Intro to Yoga

Yoga is a great way to support healthy living, provide exercise at any level, and relax.

There are different types of yoga practices (see classes) that focus on different techniques. If you’re new to yoga, we recommend starting with any class that has the word “Gentle” in the title.




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But what about ...

Yes, yoga can provide cardio and strength building exercise depending on the class and level you take.

Yes, all faiths and denominations are welcome. While yoga is a spiritual practice, it can absolutely be compatible with any pre-existing faith practices you already partake in.

If you have any health concerns based on age, pregnancy, etc. please talk with our staff and we will guide you in the right direction.

Whether you are new to yoga or are looking for that perfect next step in your physical and mental health journey, Asheville Community Yoga offers a wide-range of classes.

If you have any questions, please consult with a staff member at the studio. You can also email us at

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Tips For Those New To Yoga

  • Come to a class suitable for beginners. All classes suitable for beginners have the word “Gentle” in the title.
  • Come early. On your first visit, please plan to arrive 15 minutes before the scheduled beginning of class. This is to ensure that you have ample time to sign in and orient yourself to our beautiful campus.
  • Introduce yourself! When you enter the studio you will be greeted by a friendly staff member who is delighted to see you, eager to show you around and answer any questions you may have about the studio or your yoga practice.
  • Park mindfully, especially during our busier evening and weekend classes. Please park in the large gravel lot behind the studio itself and walk down the designated flower-lined walkway. The paved lot adjacent to the studio is reserved for teachers and those with special needs.
  • Wear appropriate clothing. This means anything that is comfortable enough to allow full range of movement of all of the limbs. Shoes will be removed and left in the cubbies that you will find upon entry to each studio. These are provided for your personal belongings. Be sure to turn off your cell phones before entering the building to avoid any distractions for you or others.
  • Please come free of any strong scents, including perfumes, smoke, and body odor.
  • Please do not come to class when you are sick or have a cold. An essential part of our practice is self-care.  Stay home and get well, so you can be fully engaged in your practice when you come to classes.
  • Please refrain from eating for at least 2 hours before class.  An overly full stomach can make the practice uncomfortable and less effective.
  • Try different classes! Yoga is vast, and each style and teacher is unique.
  • Sometimes it can take some exploration to discover the styles and teachers that feel suited especially to your individual body and personality type.
  • Try to let go of expectations and judgment. Let go of what you think you can do, and be ready to surprise yourself with what you are actually able to do! Know that whatever level you are at is just right. Our teachers will meet you where you are.
  • If possible, give yourself a bit of time after class, so that you are not rushing off and immediately on to the next thing. Yoga is a powerful practice, and you may need a few minutes to re-adjust to the outside world, collect your belongings, and let the effects of your practice sink in. Feel free to shop at our pre-loved clothing store, Zen & Now and relax for a while before heading back out into the world.
  • Once again, welcome to your yoga practice. We are honored that you chose to share your first practice with us, and hope that this is the beginning of an amazing journey.

Information About Asheville Community Yoga

We’re located minutes from downtown Asheville. Our address is:

8 Brookdale Road, Asheville, NC 28804

We have ample parking that is clearly marked. Just follow the signs!

Asheville Community Yoga

Asheville Community Yoga is a nonprofit, donation-based yoga center located in Asheville, NC. Our beautiful campus is home to accessible and inclusive yoga classes and trainings, yoga teacher and continuing education certification programs, mindfulness-based workshops and events, and affordable clothing—all enjoyed by over 20,000 community members!