Summer Camp 2025

“Children’s yoga is a portal into an imaginative world full of mindfulness, strength, and inner peace.” – Josie Hoban
Asheville Community Yoga’s Youth & Family Program Director
Asheville Community Yoga is thrilled to be offering a total of 6 weeks of yoga and mindfulness camp
this summer for kids ages 5-10!
Our yoga camp holistically introduces children to the 8 limbs of yoga in digestible and engaging ways. Summer camp days are filled with a combination of:
- Mindfulness
- Movement
- Yoga games
- Activities
- Art
- Gardening
- And more!
Children will connect with their breath, have fun as they move their bodies, and tap into their creativity as they express themselves through music, art, storytelling and nature.
Asheville Community Yoga Summer Camp is not a therapeutic program and is not an appropriate choice for youth dealing with behavioral, motivational, or rehabilitation issues. If you are unsure if your camper would be suited for our camp, please reach out to our Camp Director ( and we would be happy to talk more about our program and what we can offer.
Click here to see a sample weekly schedule.
Ages 5-10 years old
Monday- Friday
8:30 – 3pm
6 weeks of summer camp on ACY campus
Register for one, multiple or all 6 weeks!

“I like all the games, they are fun. My favorite part of class is at the end when we lay down and a crystal is put on our foreheads and we get really still. I feel really calm and peaceful.” – Asher Greenfield, age 9
Each day offers a combination of unique and delightful practices where children will build self awareness and connect with others through social interactions. Children will move, stretch, dance and access their creativity and playfulness as they engage in yoga themed activities and games. Children will connect with their inner peace through stillness, connection to breath, guided visualization and meditation. Each day will have a general theme and will be specifically tailored to meet the children’s energy, capability and needs.

Registration Deadline – For the sake of planning and organization, we ask that all registration and enrollment be completed no later than one full week prior to the start date of each camp week. Camp classes are capped at 16 students per class.
There are two steps to complete your registration for Summer Camp:
1. Select your price point below. Pay for one week of tuition. If you are registering for additional weeks, you will be emailed an invoice for the difference which will be due by the next day though a payment platform called Stripe. This is not a payment plan.
2. Once your payment is processed, you’ll be prompted to sign up on our online portal, through Thinkific. An automated email will be sent to you with a link to complete your registration form, which must be filled out to officially secure your spot in the program. Once your application has been reviewed, an invoice will be emailed to you for the remaining balance which is due immediately. You will have access to the parent manual, important forms and more helpful information through the online portal. ***Please note, your spot is completely secured only when we have receive your full tuition payment and completed google form application***
**Update: Week 1, June 16-20 and week 2, July 28 – August 1 of summer camp are now full. You may email to be put on the waitlist. All other weeks of camp are currently open and available.
Our three distinct tiers are… (click on the purple prices below to make payment)
$325 per week / Community Rate: Discounted spaces for those in our community who represent marginalized populations and/or have limited access to financial resources.
$425 per week / Sustainer Rate: This rate pays for you and allows for Asheville Community Yoga to run operations in a way that is truly sustainable.
$525 per week / Supporter Rate: This is an opportunity for those who have more access to resources to pay it forward and support others. Achieving accessibility for all is dependent on leveraging privilege in our community. If you can afford a price point above $325, please consider paying more for the benefit of all.
Refund Policy: We understand that life happens and unforeseen circumstances come up. If life offers up an unexpected event and you need to withdraw from Summer Camp:
- A full refund (with the exception of a $50 registration fee) will be reimbursed if you need to withdraw up to one month prior to camp start date.
- If you need to withdraw less than one month prior to camp start date, 50% will be refunded.
- No refunds will be given after the start of your program.
This year, summer camp is offered for 6 weeks total. Register for individual, multiple OR all 6 weeks of camp.
Drop ins not permitted. When the camp week is full, the registration status below will be changed to reflect this. Camp weeks are capped at 16 children maximum. You will indicate which week(s) you are registering for on the google registration form which is sent to you after payment is received. Tuition payment for all weeks your child will be coming AND completed registration form is required to secure your child’s space.
Monday – Friday
8:30am – 3:00pm
Week 1 & 2:
June 16 – 20 – – CLOSED- email for waitlist
June 23-27 – Registration open
No Camp— June 30- July 4
Week 3 & 4:
July 7- 11 – Registration open
July 14-18 – Registration open
No Camp–July 21-25
Week 5 & 6:
July 28 – Aug 1 – CLOSED- email for waitlist
Aug 4 – 8 – Registration open
Asheville Community Yoga
8 Brookdale Rd
Asheville, NC 28804
We will be utilizing our gorgeous courtyard out back, the covered deck, as well as the air-conditioned youth space. Our building and the grounds are inspected annually and we more than fulfill the standards for the Buncombe County codes for safety. Please be assured that children in the camp will be separate from practicing community members and the main building. Drop off and pick up will be held in the courtyard.
Summer Camp Curriculum
Our Yoga Summer Camp provides ample opportunities for children to be exposed to yoga through the 8 Limbs of Yoga.
“Children are natural imitators. Give them a practice worthy of imitating.” – Nell Regan
Limb 1: Yamas: Kindness, Compassion, Honesty, Non-stealing, Wise Use of Energy and Sharing
Limb 2: Niyamas: Cleanliness, Contentment, Discipline, Self-study, Devotion
Limb 3: Asana: Physical yoga postures (think of your favorite childhood games and engaging stories modified with yoga poses! So much fun!)
Limb 4: Pranayama: Breath awareness and breath work (breath with singing bowl, bee breath, lion breath, ocean breath, bunny breath, starfish breath…)
Limb 5: Pratyahara: Senses, tuning in and out of the senses and bodily sensations to connect to inner wisdom (i.e. mindful tasting, mystery bag, blindfold activities, intuition game…)
Limb 6: Dharana: Concentration, placing attention on a single thing to anchor awareness to the present moment (i.e. balancing poses and activities, walking with bean bag(s) on head, eye gazing, toe-ga with pom poms…)
Limb 7: Dhyana: Meditation, a contemplative state of being (i.e. mantra, mudra, singing, dancing, mandala work, making music, activities done mindfully and with intention.)
Limb 8: Samadhi: Blissfulness, a moment of natural open awareness (i.e. savasana, sound bath, guided visualization, yoga nidra, body scan…)
The eight limbs are like the branches of a tree. Each limb is separate but they are all connected by the roots and the trunk. They were designed to help us remember our essence or true nature, and that in our heart we are infinite love and perfection.
The first two limbs, the yamas and niyamas, are listed as the most important acts we can do to live a life that is harmonious and peaceful. They are the foundation of our spiritual practice and are the ethical framework for soulful living and a guide to navigating the challenges that arise as we walk our paths. Following these guidelines helps us pay attention to the relationship and awareness we have with ourselves and how we interact with the outside world.
The following limbs are focused on the actual physical postures of yoga, breath awareness, attention to the senses, focus, mediation and blissfulness. Using the 8 limbs of yoga as our framework ensures a well rounded and holistic approach to teaching children yoga.
There are many wonderful benefits of kids engaging in the practice of yoga along with their fellow friends. A few of these benefits include:
-Builds strength and flexibility
-Fosters connection and unity with self and others
-Teaches self-regulating techniques
-Can calm and invigorate
-Learn self acceptance
-Develop visual spacial skills
-Learn about patience
-Boosts self esteem and social skills
-Increases body awareness and mindfulness
Click here to see a sample weekly schedule.
*A newsletter will be sent out at the end of each week showcasing the magic and happenings of camp. Make sure to sign the photo release in the online portal so that we may capture some special moments with your child to share with you.
Summer Camp Staff
Josie Hoban
Asheville Community Yoga’s Youth & Family Program Director & Lead Teacher
Josie is thrilled to offer summer camps at ACY this June! She has been a classroom educator for nearly 20 years and she has been teaching kid’s yoga for over 14 years. Josie graduated from the University of South Florida in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. Combining her love of children and passion for travel, she’s taught in Spain, Taiwan and locally at Rainbow Community School.
In 2010, Josie received her RYT 250-Hr in Costa Rica and Tampa, Florida. She subsequently received her RCYS through Rainbow Kids Yoga. She is a Positive Discipline Trained Educator and versed in Compassionate Communication and Equity and Inclusion. Josie integrates various concepts from these learnings into her youth classes.
Josie is ACY’s Youth and Family Program Coordinator and Summer Camp Lead Teacher. In addition to running the Youth and Family Program, she enjoys teaching children and adult yoga. Josie values making connections with her students and she is dedicated to creating a classroom culture where children feel belonging, significance and love. She enjoys sharing her creativity, experience of mindfulness and yoga, holistic education and her playful sense of humor with the community.
In addition to all things yoga, Josie also fills her cup by spending time frolicking in her gardens, paddling on rivers and lakes with her husband and dog, and creating art and doing DIY projects.
Haydee Morales
Asheville Community Yoga Youth Teacher
With over 20 years as an educator and a deep passion for working with children, Haydee brings her warmth, creativity, and a playful spirit to her yoga practice. She has been sharing her love for movement, mindfulness, and community since 2021 when ACY reopened their doors post pandemic. In the summer of 2022, she completed the 250-hour Yoga Teacher Training through Asheville Community Yoga.
Asheville Community Yoga has been like a second home for Haydee. A place where she has been practicing, volunteering, and connecting with a community that aligns with her values of giving back and building meaningful relationships. Her youthful and engaging disposition is dedicated to making yoga a joyful, inclusive, and enriching experience for children of all backgrounds. She thrives on collaborating and working alongside Josie to develop an incredible youth yoga program at Asheville Community Yoga while fostering an inclusive and engaging space for children, where creativity, self-expression, and a love for yoga can flourish.
Hiking with her dog Lina Rose and friends is her absolute favorite activity. Being in nature grounds her, bringing a deep sense of peace and connection to the world around her.
Jenny Bourdette Lusk
Asheville Community Yoga Youth Teacher
Jenny’s journey with yoga began in 2005 after completing an Ashtanga Yoga teacher training with David Swenson in Doylestown, PA, while also studying at the International School of Shiatsu. These experiences were the spark that ignited a passion with yoga and bodywork.
There was a deep healing that could only have been possible by diving into these practices, and Jenny felt it was important to share this with as many people, and children, as possible. She then became certified as a Yoga Ed™ instructor, which was a program designed to teach a yoga curriculum in schools, grades K-8. She ran an after school program at an elementary school for 2 years, before moving to Oregon to complete her massage training. Once her path led her to Asheville in 2010, she knew she found home in these beautiful healing mountains.
Jenny now has her own massage business and has continued her yoga practice, along with raising her 6yr-old son. She enjoys spending her free time with her family, hiking, dancing, gardening and beekeeping. Jenny is excited and honored to be a part of the ACY community, where she has been practicing for many years.
Devon Edwards
Asheville Community Yoga Youth Teacher
Devon began his yoga journey in 2017 in Southern California. Sitting at a desk job all day was causing far too many aches and pains for an active person in his 20s. When he started doing yoga, he was wondering where it had been all his life! Not only did he find pain relief, he had no idea how much stress he was holding in his body. It felt like he was truly relaxed for the first time. Within a year, Devon’s deep dive into yoga led him to undertake his 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Sunspark Yoga in Orange, CA. Devon learned many types of yoga through his training, from gentle stretches to vinyasa flows, from yin to ashtanga. Furthermore, he developed a spiritual side to his life guided by the Eight Limbs and other adjacent practices. He found his stride teaching gentle yoga to a wide range of students, from stressed college students to 60 year-old beginner yogis. In 2022 he moved home to Massachusetts to become a school teacher and frequently taught yoga to his class of special needs students. Devon is currently a 5th grade teacher with Asheville City Schools and so excited to be teaching youth yoga at ACY!
Testimonials from Summer Camp 2024
“My child never wanted to leave at pick up and when asked what her favorite part of the day/week was she said ‘EVERYTHING!’“ -K.R.
“My child absolutely loved camp. She was so excited to go each day and told me lots about the activities they did there (normally she isn’t as descriptive about activities she does at school) and they clearly really caught her attention. She made friends and was SO excited and proud to share her project at the end of the week.” – M.P.
“This was the first camp experience where my child didn’t want to be picked up early, and was excited to go the next morning. Yesterday she asked, “how many days until yoga camp?” She had so much fun and has been sharing all of the wonderful things she learned about taking care of nature and each other. She felt safe and seen and happy at camp. She loved to tell me all about her day and share what she was learning. She’s attended two other camps since but she still talks about yoga camp and how much she loved it. I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am that we found this camp! I felt so safe and confident with her there. It made me so happy to know she loved it and was enjoying the experience. Thank you for supporting our children in their natural path of being joyful and kind little humans.“ – I.C.
“My child came home happily tired, grounded and also enthusiastic to teach us some of the things he’d learned that day. I think it was a wonderful opportunity for him to be in a large group of such mixed ages. The camp was well-organized, the children were loved and nurtured, the instructors were welcoming and enthusiastic – even after such a long day with the kiddos! The entire process – from the early marketing, the abundance of information, the great communication, well-researched and thoughtful daily itinerary – was top notch.” – C. J.
“My child really, really enjoyed camp. She gained a greater interest in yoga and new breathing techniques to incorporate at home. She was not overtired or overstimulated after camp, was in great spirits which isn’t always the case after a full day away from home.I have experience as a kids yoga teacher and have co-created and ran a tween sleepaway camp, so I know how much effort and care goes into creating a camp experience. That being said, I am extremely impressed with the level of care and attention to detail in every aspect of camp you’ve put together. Wonderful job, what a great camp!! Thank you for the work you do in the world.” – A.L.
“My child LOVED CAMP. She was so sad that it was only one week and said she wished she could go all summer. It was 100% her jam. She was regulated and delighted every day at pick-up and just so proud to have been able to have her grown-ups come in to watch her performance. She felt so proud. She said all of the kids were so kind and all of the teachers, which isn’t her experience at other camps unfortunately. We will sign up for all the weeks next year! I was delighted by the entire process. When I was pregnant with my child I attended weekly prenatal classes and feel so much gratitude that we can share this space together still in our own practices. It felt so comforting to have her in a place that has been such a home to me over the years. I went to class one day and got to see her happily playing in the mud kitchen area. Josie’s magic with the kiddos is so alive, Josie is respected, has clear boundaries and is SO playful and silly. An inspiration as to what and how caregiving can be. I also am so appreciative of the feedback offered about my child being challenged with being inclusive, I feel like childraising is so much better in partnership/community and value deeply when caregivers and teachers are open with me about her struggles in addition to her successes. I am not able to see her day at camp and between the feedback and the photos and newsletters of the week I was able to feel so much more connected and created more cohesion for my child.” – W.M.
“My child said camp was fun, and couldn’t wait to come home and give his father and I savasanas with his magic rocks and eye pillow. He was so proud. I was struck by how grounded and happy my child was during his week at yoga camp. I wasn’t sure how he would like it, since he normally likes to be outside climbing trees. But Ms. Josie and the other teachers did an amazing job keeping him engaged and helping him learn mindfulness. His nervous system was more regulated that week than I’ve ever seen it, and we’ve been trying to maintain and incorporate the skills he learned.” – W.L.
“Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” -B. K. S. Iyengar