Yoga For Osteoporosis w/ Diane Saccone

Asheville Community Yoga 8 Brookdale Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become less dense, predisposing them to fractures. This 4 hour evidence based workshop will focus on how specific yoga poses help not only slow the progression of bone loss but create strong bones, and at the same time improve balance.


Therapeutic Yoga for Back Health with Diane Saccone (In-Person and Virtual)

Asheville Community Yoga 8 Brookdale Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Therapeutic Yoga for Back Health has been designed for anyone living with back pain. In this workshop, we will discuss how body mechanics along with stress is the cause for most of our back pain. We will review poses to reduce pain, help heal injuries and learn ways to keep back pain at bay. A workbook will be provided.


Attuning with Mantra w/ Heather Irene Smith

Asheville Community Yoga 8 Brookdale Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Embark on a journey into the transformative power of sound with this introductory workshop. Explore the ancient practice of chanting mantras, sacred sounds believed to hold deep spiritual and healing energy. Learn the basics of mantra pronunciation, explore different types of mantras, and experience the profound effects of chanting on your mind, body, and spirit. No prior experience is necessary.


Yoga For Osteoporosis (In-Person & Virtual) w/ Diane Saccone

Asheville Community Yoga 8 Brookdale Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, United States

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become less dense, predisposing them to fractures. This 4 hour evidence based workshop will focus on how specific yoga poses help not only slow the progression of bone loss but create strong bones, and at the same time improve balance.


Yoga For The Mature Body YTT w/ Diane Saccone

Asheville Community Yoga 8 Brookdale Rd, Asheville, North Carolina, United States

The Yoga for the Mature Body Teacher Training is a 30-hour weekend continuing education course designed for yoga instructors who want to deepen their understanding of teaching senior populations.